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By carrying out all tidying categories acts as the key to using this method and effecting your unique ‘Life Changing Magic’.
Stephanie Ward, Gold Standard Consultant in the KonMari method has her own 14 years experience working in South East Asia and Europe as Project and Interior Design creator. It was in South East Asia where her skills were honed to assist clients find, not only what they wanted from their individual spaces, but to also listen as to how they wanted their spaces to function and how they wanted to function within it. Combining these factors helps connect my clients to their space. By starting from the core of this process enables an enriched experience. Further research by Stephanie has developed her work deeper into understanding the areas of ‘subjective well-being’.
To have a chat about how you can find ways to visualise and re-discover what you truly love and value, book a free half hour session by pressing on the ‘book a session’ button at the bottom of this page to connect with me to find out how you can complete your ‘Life Changing Magic of Tidying Up’.
A chance encounter in an airport with the fascinating book 'The Life Changing Magic of Tidying Up' by Marie Kondo describes the KonMari method of how to organise your home in five specific categories. Clothes, Books, Papers, Komono (Miscellaneous items) and Sentimental Items.
The book arrived at a time of my life when I was midst moving, midst PhD and midst relatonship. I hadn't moved into my life which wasn’t normal for me and after completing the process made me realise that it wasn’t my PhD that was causing my confusion, it was my life. It was also a long way from a life that I had led in South East Asia when I always smiled, just like I am now as I write this because what I did back then, was unbeknown to me, the start of the company that you’re connecting with now -
I literally designed the space I lived in to suit the ‘me’ that lived there then. My apartment fitted me like a glove, no space wasted and no closets jammed to overflowing with ‘stuff’ that I never looked at or loved or connected with.
Everything I had sparked joy in me and those that I loved to have around me.
And then time passed, my world became more frantic, things and people and memories fell away and I forgot it all, and that, dear reader, brings me back to my PhD and confusion as to why?
Why didn’t I feel good where I lived, or even sometimes in myself?
Why did I struggle to express myself on paper?
Why did I so often feel so stressed that I couldn’t find that thing/paper/book - that I needed right in that second?
Because I’d got caught up in life and life has a habit of deluging us with stuff when we’re not paying attention - want proof?
Walk over to your wardrobe right now, the one you use every day.
Are you there yet?
Okay, - now open it and look inside.
Ask yourself this one question - “does everything that I see here bring joy in my life in the same way it did when I first wore it?”
And the answer will be no - and this will be repeated time and time again in your home from books to paperwork - from your kitchen to your underwear drawers.
Even as you read this you might be getting an uncomfortable feeling that what I’m describing could even be your story.
Well as I’ve worked with many dozens of people from all over Europe - one thing has become clear to me - with a few exceptions, it’s ALL our story.
We’ve each collected and held onto stuff because we’ve never been taught to do anything else.
We’ve never heard of another way of living.
It blocks our lives, minds, energies and relationships.
So often we can’t even formulate what we want that would make us really happy…
Until now.
Because when I applied what I’d read in the book, I saw changes –and as I did so, I started doing the daily things that were a part of me when I was living back in Henley-on-Thames.
I winnowed my belongings and discovered the things that I loved and connected with, with art, my wardrobe and with pieces that truly made me feel how I love feeling best.
My desk moved from looking like I’d just been burgled, to a place where each day I could start writing with an energetic smile and a focus on exactly what I was going to achieve before I finished that day. No distractions.
Light sun and energy became my companions and people kept asking “Are you on vitamins or something?” Nope, no more than I ever was, I’m just free from all the old clutter both emotional and physical (because they tend to exist together) and free to focus on what creates joy in my life -
which in my case is now using my own experience and helping others do exactly the same thing!
And you don’t have to be in academia. I’ve had working mothers break down in tears when we revisited and replanned their wardrobes, bathrooms and kitchens. And young guys sport Slam-Dunk grins when they survey their reorganised flat. (creating social opportunities as with my one client at Uni) - But hey, it’s my job to create meaningful results for you, whatever they might be 😀) . As Marie Kondo describes it - Your Kurashi.
In fact this work is for everybody - home, office or studio, I can work with you to create more peace, clarity and freedom in your life more than you ever thought possible.
The book ‘The Life Changing Magic of Tidying Up’ by Marie Kondo describes a method to tidy and organise your home. It is an effective and deeply nourishing process. It requires you to
Firstly, ‘commit’ to the process of tidying up.
Imagine your ideal lifestyle.
Finish discarding first, by category not by location.
Follow the right order.
Ask yourself if the items you have ‘spark joy’.
“You can acquire information from reading a book but to ‘experience’ you must creatively respond to information. Acquiring information itself is passive, experiencing it is active”. (Maltz, M, MD, FICS).